mardi 27 janvier 2015

Réunion sur le Minesweeper

           Réunion hier, lundi 26, dans la cale du Minesweeper, avec Niccolo, Kevin et le passage d'Andrew (mais sans la présence de deux autres compagnons retenus en garde à vue depuis samedi soir à la suite d'une éviction épi-comique d'un squat du quartier pendant une rave...).

         Il a été question de l'amélioration de l'atelier de sérigraphie, afin de rendre possible l'impression sur papier et de passer en polychromie pour l'impression textile (le début de l'aménagement est prévu mercredi).
Puis de la revue : esprit d'ensemble, catégories, contenus. L'éditorial (qu'il me faut encore améliorer) devrait ressembler à ceci :

          The Minesweeper is a boat that attracts and brings together, for an evening or for years, people who want to live differently in the city, but that all excessive ego, alternatives often sectarian or aggressive sensitivities repel deeply.
It's the adventure, conducted by beautiful people for over ten years, this magazine offers both presenting and disseminating, each month, to the largest number, while staying focused on local life of a London neighborhood : Deptford.
             For this option to restore a Navy ship, to divert him from his first use, to locate near the Thames on the Deptford Creek, is the most effective ways to fight against the absurdity costs of rent, to fight against the desire to always push poor people further economic and especially politic centers, that is to say, to fight against gentrification.
              And it is locating in the urban fabric of a neighborhood, in partnership with small businesses in the area (bars, small restaurants, etc.), with various initiatives already present or in germs, primarily with all motivated, interested, curious people, that creative resistance is possible.
Because it is the creation, or rather the creations all forms of creation – that offer the ability to implement new ways of living : the artist is no longer a luxury producer, but an everyday craftsman. Music, readings, shared meals (soon, who knows, make growing our own vegetables!), various workshops, books, all of that become the everyday art.
             These are all activities that we present here, in this first issue : exhibitions in the Undercurrent Gallery at the Birds Nest, various events on Minesweeper boat or elsewhere, book making. But, also, history and projects of the Minesweeper boat – past & future which, as we know, update only in our very present.

           Enfin, nous avons arrêté le premier thème du premier livre qui constituera le mois de janvier (avec un peu de retard) du coffret annuel consacré au Minesweeper : les seagulls.
         En attendant retour en France pour les projets du Cagibi : découpage et pliage du livre de Sisca Locca (si tout n'a pas déjà été fait) en vue de l'exposition le 31 janvier ; mise en place du livre le 30, impression la deuxième semaine de février en compagnie de nombreux – on l'espère – minesweepeux !

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